Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
TSA Administrative Directive: Opt-Outters To Be Considered "Domestic Extremists" -- Big Brother --
That's me, I am BIG FAT EXTREMIST and PROUD OF IT.....
Monday, December 13, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
a satircally look at the TSA new safety check......
BSL Shocker – A List of 75 Dogs That Are Banned Or Restricted | Dog Reflections
It is readily apparent to anyone who thinks for themselves that some group of people (government) are making decisions for all of us that are eroding the basic rights that we have. Ever since 9/11 those rights are being increasingly taken away under the guise of safety....
this is one of many generalizations that we should all regard as a VERY SLIPPERY SLOPE.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Courts Helping Banks Screw Over Homeowners |
and the mortgage mess continues with the banks and executives and judges getting fatter and fatter pockets and the average person getting that stick shoved up their asses further and further....
Sunday, November 21, 2010
YouTube - The new homeless
what is happening in areas like mine where it is 30 degrees out tonight?....our government, our congress has FAILED the people that it is suppose to protect.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
a friend sent me this....enjoy
A paraprosdokian is a figure of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected in a way that causes the reader or listener to reframe or reinterpret the first part.
I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.
I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather. Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car.
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list.
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong.
We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public.
War does not determine who is right - only who is left.
Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
Evening news is where they begin with 'Good evening', and then proceed to tell you why it isn't.
A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station.
How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire?
I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted paychecks.
A bank is a place that will lend you money, if you can prove that you don't need it.
I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you.
Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?
Why do Americans choose from just two people to run for president and 50 for Miss America ?
Behind every successful man is his woman. Behind the fall of a successful man is usually another woman.
A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!
Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won't expect it back.
A diplomat is someone who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you will look forward to the trip.
Hospitality: making your guests feel like they're at home, even if you wish they were.
Money can't buy happiness, but it sure makes misery easier to live with.
Some cause happiness wherever they go. Others whenever they go.
I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not sure.
I always take life with a grain of salt, plus a slice of lemon … and a shot of tequila.
When tempted to fight fire with fire, remember that the Fire Department usually uses water.
You're never too old to learn something stupid.
To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the target.
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.
Some people hear voices. Some see invisible people. Others have no imagination whatsoever.
A bus is a vehicle that runs twice as fast when you are after it as when you are in it.
If you are supposed to learn from your mistakes, why do some people have more than one child?
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine…
Please visit my online Gift Shop:
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Law curbs McDonald's Happy Meal toys - Yahoo! News
the government is trying to control every aspect of our lives. They want to dictate what we eat, where we live, even what medications we take. At what point does the average person wake up and realize the thing that makes this country great is being stripped away from us, one thing at t time, though certainly we've seen more stripped away faster in the last few years.
perhaps eating the occasional happy meal wouldn't be so bad, if the government had not already take the jungle gyms, swings, even basic recess away from kids in public schools. SWING SETS are TOO dangerous....??? Come on people...wise up....pretty soon the government is going to be telling you where you can shop and what you can buy...there is already soda and junk food tax in some states. What's next?
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Obama Regulation Czar Advocated Removing People’s Organs Without Explicit Consent |
Go big brother....GO...really...get the flock out....I am fully in support of organ donation ...but I support the word DONATION....and another good word is CHOICE....Obama has some top level help that is very VERY intrusive and controlling in their views....I am greatly concerned with that trend. Government needs to step back and get out of people's lives.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Republican Corbett to win Pa. governor's race - MarketWatch
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Creating Institutional Change: A Short Primer | Psychology Today
Everyday my son and I discuss current events. As election day draws near, we inevitably are discussing the current state of affairs in this fine country of ours. Since you are reading this, then you already know I am not too happy with the frighting trend I see happening around us, with politicians trying to circumvent our constitutional rights, as well as the shoulder high corruption we are mired in. The only way to improve these problems is by change, and change starts by voting on a local level. This is where today's politicians got their start. It is on the local level where you can actually help cause that change I know many of us believe in.
I came across this article and I thought it was interesting in regards to effecting change.
interesting coincedence....
![]() | 28 Oct | 08:20:32 | IE 8.0 | Win7 | 1280x1024 | ![]() | Washington, District Of Columbia, United States | Verizon Internet Services ( [Label IP Address] No referring link so this was a visitor to my web site....kind of interesting which post triggered the visit..... |
Banks Sold the Same Mortgage Over and Over to Investors | FDL News Desk
Guess which BANK???
BANK OF AMERICA......america???
think we should make them change their name....
There is NO depth that a politician won't stoop to. We need a NEW party, one made of normal people, no ivy leaguers need apply....we don't need anymore brains, we need common sense and integrity...and you can't learn that at a fancy college.
Bank of America – Confiscating Homes They Don’t Own – BofA Attempts Foreclosure on Current Loan They Do Not Own « Foreclosure Fraud – Fighting Foreclosure Fraud by Sharing the Knowledge
Bank of America forecloses on house that couple had paid cash for - St. Petersburg Times
No, there are not ANY MISTAKES being made in the Forclosure market.....
The banks have bail out money and the properties too....think they got a little greedy?
Monday, October 25, 2010
damn it my mom is on facebook
a talk show idea
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Employers looking at health insurance options - Yahoo! News
This bill only makes a problem even more of a problem, and will leave many of us making the choice between utilities and healthcare....that isn't going to free up that 4 hour wait at the local ER anytime soon....
Employers looking at health insurance options - Yahoo! News
repeal Obama healthcare
How do voters feel about the healthcare bill?
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Obama aides: mortgage woes not "systemic" | Political Headlines |
Talk about OUT OF TOUCH with main stream America....doesn't he read the news?....I won't ask if he talks to his neighbors, because that's just absurd, but seriously?....bridge for sale...inquire within....
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Discovery of GPS tracker becomes privacy issue | General Headlines |
What Price safety?.....At what point are we willing in this country to give up rights for safety?.....I think the government has more then embraced the patriot act as a blatant invitation to violate Everyone's privacy.
I have to wonder where the common sense went.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
NY county creating list of animal abusers | US National Headlines |
Ah, for the slippery slope. At first glance, you might think that lists like Sex offenders and Animal abusers are a great idea, but take a deeper look into them and you find that they are fraught with problems. First off many of these lists wind up including those simply accused of misdeeds, and are not true lists of those convicted. I can't support lists with problems like that, and I am not sure I really want the government compiling lists of people suspect of anything. If the lists were those who were iron clad convicted, it might be a different thing, another glance at some of these lists will tell you that they are not even rooted in government and are created by special interest groups.
SO before you give a cheer to more lists complied on people, think about what history has taught us about the abuse and inaccuracy of these lists....and take a second look....
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Jon Stewart has the right idea -
Among the signs suggested for the rally:
-- "I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler"
-- "9/11 was an outside job"
-- "Got Competence?"
-- "I'm not afraid of Muslims, Tea Partiers, Socialists, Immigrants, Gun Owners or Gays ... but I am scared of spiders."
Jon Stewart has the right idea -
Monday, October 11, 2010
SPIN METER: Foreign money in politics? Not proven | Political Headlines |
SPIN METER: Foreign money in politics? Not proven | Political Headlines |
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Up to 40 states plan inquiry into foreclosure data - Yahoo! News
for anyone with any money left....I'd recommend stuffing the mattress with it....
Up to 40 states plan inquiry into foreclosure data - Yahoo! News
Friday, October 8, 2010
Yoga—what is it, exactly? - Healthy Living on Shine
Yoga—what is it, exactly? - Healthy Living on Shine
check out my Facebook friend's book
Evil Unleashed
sounds fabulous...can't wait to read it.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
and it's a bad thing?
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Bunch of grown men singing Lady Gaga live and acapella!
This is a night for entertainment....these guys are brilliant....and this is hysterically good...
Friday, October 1, 2010
Authorities Plan To Trawl Phone Calls And E Mails For Signs Of “Resentment Toward Government”
Where's that black van driving by my house....???
Authorities Plan To Trawl Phone Calls And E Mails For Signs Of “Resentment Toward Government”
U.S. Religious Knowledge Survey - Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life
U.S. Religious Knowledge Survey - Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life
YouTube - Paladino threatens New York Post Editor
He's going to take em out?......what is this..a rise of the Sopranos?
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Animal Research: Animal Welfare vs. Animal Rights | Highlight HEALTH
since my husband worked in a variety of Pharmaceutical plants in NJ working on clean rooms and air balancing and saw the caretakers/scientists and the animals, I have heard many of his stories, as well as the night he came home physically ill from witnessing the treatment of a horse. So I am going to have to say that those believe the "facts" are at the least mislead by the big business of drug companies.
any stories out there to share?....real ones please, not hearsay...
oh, and if anyone is really interested in how I think drugs and treatments should be tested, I think they should be tested on humans, since they are to be used on humans....our prisons are full of people who deserve nothing better....and certainly do not deserve gyms and educational degrees in some cases. There are non-rehabilitate able prisoners out there..and since we don't let the families of their victims have at them, then they should have to give their lives to making others better.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
AddThis :: Add-ons for Firefox
this is a nifty little web tool...especially for those of us who like to share information
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Farmer, consumer outcry helping to stop passage of draconian 'food safety' bill
an update on this horrific bill before congress....
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
President Obama
SO while I usually support a sitting president regardless of my vote, I find Obama has exceeded my expectations of disaster...
I do however feel sorry for those who truly believed this man was not the puppet he is and would change things for the better...
chickens are coming home to roost..
Monday, September 20, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
It's SO ridiculous it is hard to believe this sort of thing really occurs in our country
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
What country was this video shot in?
yep, it's another long one, but shame on you if you don't educate yourself to what's going on right under our noses....
Monday, September 13, 2010
The Obama Deception
Everyone should watch this video....
IF you are not motivated to get up and go out and vote in November, you don't deserve the rights the government is taking away from you.
The Constitution of the United States of it...the writers of it now would be disgusted and dismayed.
favorite skincare products
I do not receive any type pf compensation from these companies, though heaven knows I need the money so they are welcome to pay me for their endorsements...
there is nothing in beauty care that you can do that is more important then drink plenty of water. Hydration is essential to good skin.
A regular simply skin care regime is next. Most of my favorite products are made by neutrogena. I love their "healthy skin" line. I use the cleanser, the face lotion, the hand cream and their eye cream
I find it works great, I don't have a lot of wrinkles which is a miracle considering my age and stress level, amd it never irritates me and I can be sensitive to things.
Ialso love ivory soap for general shower use, as well as glysolid for those times when my hands need some serious softening. (warning though glysolid does break down those much worked for callouses.)
these along with hydrogen peroxide and witch hazel are my go to products all the time....
what are your favorites?
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
How is Jones any better....
He's obviously a whack job...
I just simply fail to understand how the extremest type of person can even begin to think that their behavior can possibly bring about any change for good.
I was in High School when the Iran hostage taking occurred. Our HS principal at the time, allowed students to get together, and create a paper Iranian flag and burn it in protest. I wrote him a scathing letter in protest of his decision, and his repsonse to me was he had to do something to allow the students to blow off steam...We didn't live in a town where there was a hostage people personally knew...this was just a group of riled up students and a principal who saw the least path of resistance in allowing degrading behavior to occur.
This type of behavior, then and now, will never bring about either change or peace. Violence begets save it for something worth the fight...something so critical and important that if blood is spilled, it wouldn't be in vane.
9/11 was a terrible thing and if President Clinton had acted on the intelligence he had, and had not further cut our intelligence departments, it might not have happened. But it did and people have died for the last 9 years in a futile attempt to make someone pay for it. When does it stop?...we need to practice isolationism for a while and allow the rest of the world to take care of it's self for while. We need to take our MONEY, and military and aid workers and go home. Take care of HOME and our starving suffering people first. Boot the illegals out and close the damn doors. Put up the DO NOT DISTURB sign for a while.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Be smart...research...
But a recent conversation with my son's oncologist has me once again pounding the cyber pavement to research our current living area.
See, our former town, Hillsborough, NJ, home to us for 23 years, included in Money magazine's top 100 hundred best places to live..(maybe 2006-2007??)."Hillsborough the good life" as tolled by the township home to .....
NINE...(9) superfund sites of course I am sure some of them are considered "remedied"...but seriously 9??? (So much for the garden state, guess Carlin had it right after all )
where is money magazines criteria?
hum.....let's see...great place to live except for all the cancer, the outrageous taxes and the corrupt politics....RIGHT....
so, who do I sue for all the pain and suffering my family has been through with my son's cancer not once, but twice as well as all of the terrible side effects he has had to endure?
oh, wait, I one is responsible...these things just happen....BULLSHIT....
our government has been activity allowing if not acting on poisoning our environment for decades. When does it stop?...who takes on the government and make them step up for the lives hurt, ruined destroyed and taken because of poor oversite, and the allmight buck?
Saturday, September 4, 2010
antibiotics not so new after all
Ancient Nubians drank beer laced with antibiotics
People have been using antibiotics for nearly 2,000 years, suggests a new study, which found large doses of tetracycline embedded in the bones of ancient African mummies.
certainly does lend it's self to the idea that "modern man" has been to the this dance at least once before....
Thursday, September 2, 2010
A good deed...pass it on
When I help people though, I particularly like it if it can be anonymously. I prefer it that way. IF I am doing a good pet deed, that's different...
today I was in walmart getting some groceries and hitting up the redbox for my $1.00 movie when I heard a cell phone ring. I found the cell phone and answered it. It was the owner desperately trying to locate her phone. (High School student by the sounds of things). I took it to courtesy and let them know the owner would be in for it. I then returned to redbox to realize that I had completed my transaction and was distracted by the phone and had not fetched my movie out of the machine....crap...
concerned that it had been absconded with and I was on the hook for a $25.00 charge, I called Redbox. Fortunatly because I didn't remove the movie from the machine in a timely fashion, it was sucked back in and all I had to do was rerent it...
SO, while doing good deeds, it is important not to get distracted from the project at hand....
now go out there and do a good deed for someone today. :)
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Vatican: It's OK to believe in aliens
Okay, I know it's "old " news, but it still makes me laugh. Here is a shining of example of my personal conflict with modern Christianity and organized religion in general...
You NEED someone to tell you it's OKAY to believe in something?? much for free thought and free will....
(I told you we would get back to religion)
I have many friends...good people that are Catholic, many that are Jewish, and many more that are some flavor of Christian...they are all good people...but modern religion has so very little to do with real faith.
Some of my issues with organized and modern religion come from a very long time ago. I can remember quite clearly a very stern lecture during my confirmation classes because I dared ask questions that the very uptight Episcopalian minister was NOT willing to answer. In fact I was threatened with expulsion from said classes if I dared to continue questioning the unquestionable...needless to say I only continued classes because of fear of parental retribution.
The older I got the more agnostic I became. I frequently read all sorts of religious books and texts. Seeking knowledge...seeking perhaps a religious concept I felt I belonged to. I with great help from very faith based committed people explored many paths. It wasn't until much later in my life I found the path I belonged on and gave up Christianity for an older religion. One that served as the basis for many current Christian traditions. But because my children were in public school and already didn't really fit in because they were blessed with free thinking genes, I kept my beliefs fairly quiet.
In way, that is sort of sad...but I made that choice for what I felt was the right reason at the time.
I follow Druid practices. What some might call is Wiccan, but certainly not what I think of as modern Wiccan. I celebrate old traditions. One's that were adopted by the catholic church in order try and convert the pagans to Christianity. So, I am a modern day Pagan. ( I also talk to animals and dragonflies, but that's for another day).
I live in the middle of bible thumper central, yet so far, those who know I'm a "witch"..LOL now come for my herbs and plant guess I am safe from being burned at the stake for now.
I see in my daughter however, my mistake in not allowing our beliefs be public for a long time. She embraces being pagan, and is much more open about it, but her education is lacking. My fault and one I am remedying.
My son is flat out agnostic, but always open to deep discussions and possibilities. He can't rationalize the dragonfly episode however which he saw for himself, which I still find terribly amusing.
At our old house, I was blessed with three fairy rings. I enjoyed sitting in the middle of the large one to converse with nature. I think here perhaps I don't need one, because I live in nature. But mushrooms or not, they are very special to behold.
I am most grateful that we live in the time when my children can be who they are and be generally accepted for what they believe.
Believing in the old ways is no different then believing what is modern religion. Except that it is different. A different path taken.
When I was young I wanted an Ouija board, my mother said I couldn't have one because it opened a door for the devil. I would hope, even she'll laugh at that now. OF course, I don't need an Ouija board to talk to my dead relatives, they visit me in my dreams, often just to give me strength to face another day. Now even wanting an Ouija board sort of sounds silly. But open a door to the, I think not. Evil exists for real...but it isn't found in a board game.
Please feel free to discuss your religious views...but don't try to convert...too many have already tried.

Monday, August 30, 2010
Sarcasm...the best thing since swedish fish...
This is all good...
Today I share with you a clip about war, terrorism and comedic sarcasm. Christopher Titus is a comedian that I really like. I understand his comedy ...heck, I've lived through some of his comedy...
This however is ...well you decide for yourself...I think it's hysterical..but is NOT for those who like political correctness...of course if you DO like PC...then you have no business reading my blog anyhow.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
OMG...did NO one read George Orwell 1984 in the last decade?
These feelings can be directly related to several important outside stimulus.
Today's frustration comes directly from a news article I read today...The government can tract your moves
" Government agents can sneak onto your property in the middle of the night, put a GPS device on the bottom of your car and keep track of everywhere you go. This doesn't violate your Fourth Amendment rights, because you do not have any reasonable expectation of privacy in your own driveway — and no reasonable expectation that the government isn't tracking your movements."
EXCUSE ME?....again with the welcome to the USA Soviet Union style....
I have news for the government...if they have a hot burning desire to know that I go to Walmart, several medical centers and Costco, then they should know that I am a large fat scary white woman who has NO qualms about chasing down some asshole in my driveway in the middle of the night dressed only in my underpants. They have been warned....I take no prisoners.
The partiot act...taking away your rights, one legislative justifcation at a time
"Chief Judge Alex Kozinski, who dissented from this month's decision refusing to reconsider the case, pointed out whose homes are not open to strangers: rich people's. The court's ruling, he said, means that people who protect their homes with electric gates, fences and security booths have a large protected zone of privacy around their homes. People who cannot afford such barriers have to put up with the government sneaking around at night.""
....survey says...NO WE DON'T...You don't have to "Put up" with anyone sneaking around your arrogant is that statement??
hum....let's see....the poor man's version would be...strategically placed empty cat food cans filled with ...well what comes out of the cat after the cat food...
there can also food can hand crafted "razor wire"...tin snips are a wonderful tool...
after of course, the lovely hand painted sign "beware of cat" (and her owner)
Seriously people ...time to rise up and vote these "winners" OUT OF OFFICE.
the clothes make the woman....
Here are some things I know for sure.....the clothes offered up in general locations (I am sure there are specialty shops out there for those with bigger budgets then mine..) these readily available clothing lines..suck....
let's discuss some of the frightening things I have seen lately....
Empire waist-ed tops..for god's sake people..these don't look good on thin women..the only good thing an empire waist-ed top/dress is good for is a pregnant woman. Makes the wearer look pregnant anyhow....

gathered necklines that just then fall....

and tops with built in bras?....excuse "girls" need either real support or nothing at all...but the tops with built in bras simply don't support anything and just ride places you don't want them too....
and the sizing?....are you kidding me...even I don't what size it will be next week...and I am not the one changing sizes.
I don't know who designs fat woman clothes, but it sure as hell isn't anyone wearing those clothes.
and do we need "cut on the bias" /"dont cut on the bias" instructions printed in chinese or what???
if I wash one more tshirt and having it look like it will fit a pumpkin patch, I am going to scream..
and what the hell happened to cotton bras.??? tricot and wires hurt.....
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
tarra and bella story
Government says Gulf seafood safe, now consumers decide | Lubbock Online | Lubbock Avalanche-Journal
The government also assures us the housing market, stock market and economy are rebounding....and they probably have a bridge for sale some place, or are building one to no where for those who are gullible enough to believe it.
Fortunately for me the seafood is a non issue, can't afford to eat seafood right now anyhow..
I am starting to feel personally insulted by how stupid our government things we are...
I know there are "Sheeple" out there, but more and more people are starting to smell the toast burning....
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Welcome to the USA....Soviet Union style.....
Yesterday I mentioned that the whoopla about the NYC mosque was a distraction measure and today I believe that even more.
We need to get our heads out of the sand people and reel our overspending, overstepping government back in..they are OUT OF CONTROL....
"For the people, by the people"...
Here's some of the the articles about bill s510
article 1
and another
This is kind of scary....
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Religions interest me, in a scientific type way. They also interest me in a psychological type way.
There is no other topic on the plant that draws people to it like moths to flame. More lives have been lost in the name of religion then for any other reason. Yet it is not necessarily a tangible concept. In today's terms, you might even call it "virtual".
That is one of the things that make it interesting to me.
A recent religious debate has occurred over the building of the mosque in NYC...
Now on first blush with the news media, you would think that this mosque was being built right on the spot where the world trade center towers stood.
Further digging into the topic however reveals that indeed that is not the case. It's actually about 2 blocks away.
So ...
well here's the thing....I personally think that if people are going to spend the time and energy getting worked up about this, then they should be MORE worked up about that fact that the memorial still is waiting to be built...9 years later..
should there be a mosque in NYC???
I don't really give a damn...I think that the purpose of all of it is to take the attention away from more important the deal with Russia and Iran and the nuclear programs/waste.
Or the unemployment rate that is sky high despite the billions and absurd billions of dollars in stimulus money.
the fact that the government is stealing away your Constitutional rights every single day.
the fact that the politicians in office are no longer representing the people of this country.
Believe me, there are way more obscene and ridiculous and important things then if the mosque should be build 2 blocks from ground zero, near McDonald's, burger king, and gentlemen's club and a pharmacy.
more on religion to come....
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Something to think about
Sometimes, I have been told that I can not save them all. My usual response is to simply smirk and ask then who will. It's not the path for all. It is the path for me.
I came across this video today and while this clip does not say it, I do know that the injured dog in this video survived.
IF 90%+ of animals are killed in shelters and not worth saving, tell me if you feel the same after you watch this. It shouldn't be the animals that are euthanized....
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Artistic Appreciation
Today I came across artist Jeff De Boer and his work see here
To put it mildly, it simply blew me away. I am in awe. Not only of the actual pieces of work he has created. (for me the appeal is in the cat and mouse armor (of course)).
It is simply stunning, both the idea of it and the creation of it. It is works of art like this that make me feel intimated and yet inspired.
Art is a very personal thing and I am reminded of it constantly when I view it with another. For example my daughter. She loves anything well as mood driven pieces. IF someone famous did it, she love it, though her favorite works would be those textiles done by Andy Warhol.(she has many of his tote bag/tshirt offerings) Yet his work leaves me, well let's say uninspired, bored...but then so do many others.
I remember my Grandfather and Nana taking me to the Louvre in 1977. I disliked so much of what I saw. The same on numerous trips to the Philadelphia art museum. I think with me it is tactile art, not paintings that appeal to me. I find DaVinci's drawings terribly interesting, yet his paintings...not so much...

People have the most amazing ability to express themselves in artistic form. And artistic form can take so many paths. In music and writing as well as the more traditional painting and sculpting etc...even some surgeons are artists in their own way with precision cutting and stitching.
What form of creation do you like?
(oh, don't forget to feed the fish while you are here okay?...just click your mouse around them to drop them some food)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
We are what we eat ??
One thing I found interesting over the years was how many of those rescue people equate vegetarianism with pet love. In fact, as a whole, I have met more people that are vegetarians (or vegans) in pet rescue then in any other group I have come across or been a part of.
This leaves me as the odd one out, and the recipient of many a heated argument, because if there was ever a group that felt strongly about something, it can be those who do not eat animals.
Some feel like I can't possibly love animals on and off my fork. Yet, I can assure you with complete sincerity that I do love animals. I love some with steak sauce, and some at the foot of my bed. I don't have a problem differentiating that either. But there are those I have been acquainted with that will argue it to a point of absurdity.
Vegetarian diets and vegan diets and carnivorous diets are personal decisions. I believe the first and last have health benefits as well as lifestyle benefits. I respect people's decisions to eat whatever they like. The same as wear whatever they like. Extremism is not a quality that enhances your point of view regardless of what it is.
Recently I came across this article that basically equates eating meat with a lack of empathy. While I find it interesting, I don't accept that what you eat dictates your emotional responses. I have known some vegans and vegetarians and carnivores alike that were not capable of empathy, kindness or altruism on any level.
I do know a lot of vegetarians and vegans who push their life style on people regularly though I don't know anyone (except me perhaps in that sarcasic drawl) that would suggest a nice rare steak to a vegan.
I am however curious to know how an organization like PETA which promotes vegan-ism can possibly justify their actions towards animals. They are responsible for a lot of animal deaths.
I wonder just how they sleep at night with their little tofu filled bellies.
I do believe in accepting people for whom and what they are. It doesn't mean that all plant eating people are bad or extreme anymore then it means meat eating people are. But it also doesn't mean that one way is better then another....I don't believe that vegetarians are better pet lovers then meat eaters.
I found this paper interesting, it talks about animals killed during harvesting of grains, which makes the vegan diet not 100% animal friendly.
Where the changes need to made and addressed is not in should a person eat or not eat meat, but in how the livestock industry in this (and certainly in other) countries is allowed to act. It is disgraceful and disgusting and I would personally rather kill my own food. It is something I consider seriously on a regular basis.
If we are what we eat, then we need to raise our food with respect and kindness, regardless if it is a chicken or a tomato.
that's my thought..what's yours?
Monday, August 16, 2010
The people that you meet
I have several friends that I care about that I met from a now defunct pet chat board. I even met one of them in person once when she flew to NJ to bring a cat to a rescue that would give this special needs kitty a forever home.
I have another friend who I chat in email with now that the board is no longer up and running and I shared the birth of kittens with her over an email evening back and forth. ( Her rescued kitty had babies) It was as special as if I had been there.
I have several more friends I have met on Facebook...(okay, so it IS designed to be a social network so you do sort of expect to meet friends there...)
Now granted, these are not friends I meet regularly for coffee, or go shopping with or meet for lunch, or even chat on the phone with, but it doesn't make them any the less important. In fact, I found that in moving to a new area, having them there when I sit down to my computer was a great thing.
On the topic of facebook, it has also let me stay in touch for some people from where we moved from,as well as former classmates, and because it has a variety of quirky little games, it even gives us strange new things to do together. (IE: Farmville, Vampire Wars and my daughter's current favorite Cafe World).
I like to call it Gaming Lite.... But a lot of those online friends are personable, and funny and you can see that not only in individual interactions, but with what they share about music clips they post, or game "gifts" they send, and then there are the few that interact personally as well, like an oncology nurse that also plays several of my facebook games. While this isn't like having lunch or talking on the phone, it is none the less significant because of it's distance. I like signing onto my facebook account and seeing the friends that spiced my dish, or fertilized my crops or even helped me "ascend to the shadow council".
Interestingly enough, I also have friends who share similar religious ideals that I do not have currently in person. (but religion is for another day).
Now I know..I read all the stuff about predators, and stalkers and ""online danger"" but truthfully, I have to say that I don't think that should prevent you from going online and making friends. I have met some of my online friends over the years in person and look forward to eventually meeting others, and it has always been a positive experience. Now of course we always choose to meet in some local well populated restaurant the first time, but it really is no different then meeting a new person for real. There are always going to be victims and there are always going to be predators. I choose not only NOT to be a victim, but not to be afraid either.
Besides...I could always just sit on them.
I do have real friends too...sort of...I have my longtime die hard friend from middle school, and she knows where all the bodies are buried. Sadly though, my one friend from where I used to live, seems to be a casualty of my move. But truth be told, she was the better friend when I lived around the corner from her. I tend to allow family and that over flowing plate of mine get in the way of really being able to make new friends. It can be a timing issue for sure. I am working hard to be a good neighbor though now that we have them.
My sister is my friend too...we've been through the good, the bad and the ugly and she's helped me bury the bodies...but we've had to and will always have to work hard at being friends. Because like all good things, sometimes things take work.
Now I have to go harvest some crops, kill some vampires and let's see...I have mastered level2 cheeseburgers I guess it will be onion soup next...
Friend me...
then I guess I will also do some laundry, make some dinner and work on some paperwork...
gee, spending times with friends IS more fun.....
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Home improvements?
1. MDF....for those of us who watch home improvement shows, we've all seen it used a zillion times. A few years ago I build a couple of shelves out of it myself. Worked great.
a while back we came across a small piece of it, not usable for anything I could think of, and my son asked if he could toss it in the fire pit....we regularly burn wood scraps and what not in the fire pit, so I said sure. about incendiary...if you were ever considering using this in your house..I'd say went up like flash paper and burned hot. If you were to have a situation where this was near a heat source, I'd say you could be in a depth of trouble.
I certainly would take this right off the MUST have list for sure. It scared me how fast it burned and I was once a volunteer firefighter.
2. New Carpet...there are many studies and articles out now that link hyperthyroid disease in cats to the flame retardant in new carpets. Interestingly enough was also a conversation I had recently with an oncologist who told me that thyroid cancer is one of the more common cancers that is being seen that is some food for thought. On top of how carpets increase allergens, and are just a big NO NO for us pet lovers...I'd say time for a reconsideration on those replacement carpets.
Along the side of the blog, I am starting a bucket list....feel free to share yours..
Today I'd like to recommend a fabulous book I read called Expecting Adam It was given to me to read by my friend Ronit and it is a great book. I really enjoyed it.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
a dead bug is a good bug....or is it??
As a pet owner I recognized the name fipronil as the main ingredient in a pet flea control product. In fact, I even have some in my home. I was naturally concerned over the book implication, so research I started.
I was dismayed to find that indeed fipronil is not only in part responsible for the bee deaths (though this is a claim naturally dismissed by it's producer Bayer) But that it has been banned in France since 2005. China is in the process of instituting a ban
Further research shows In my opinion disturbing uses of it with obviously toxic effects. In fact, there seems to be warranted cause for this product to no longer be sold.
To compound my concern, it also no longer works at all on the fleas my pets have had this year.
The national pesticide information center has an alarming fact sheet on it, This report discusses it's further effects on bugs, as well as the fish in the water .
on a less science more discussion side of things, this blog discusses how the EPA may not renew the license for a fipronil product because of concerning long term effects.
And finally for those likely a little more drama This article sums things up nicely.
Finally...I recommend this website and it's video to tie up this little discussion....
What do you think??
Sunday, August 1, 2010

My sister has referred to me as Lucy for long time. Now I am not sure if that was to compliment me on my kind hand holding abilities to give good advice or my adorable need to share my strong opinions whatever they are.
I am open minded as well as opinionated, so bring on the discussions, just spare me the spewed up kool-aid. I can get that from the TV....