Okay, I know it's "old " news, but it still makes me laugh. Here is a shining of example of my personal conflict with modern Christianity and organized religion in general...
You NEED someone to tell you it's OKAY to believe in something??....so much for free thought and free will....
(I told you we would get back to religion)
I have many friends...good people that are Catholic, many that are Jewish, and many more that are some flavor of Christian...they are all good people...but modern religion has so very little to do with real faith.
Some of my issues with organized and modern religion come from a very long time ago. I can remember quite clearly a very stern lecture during my confirmation classes because I dared ask questions that the very uptight Episcopalian minister was NOT willing to answer. In fact I was threatened with expulsion from said classes if I dared to continue questioning the unquestionable...needless to say I only continued classes because of fear of parental retribution.
The older I got the more agnostic I became. I frequently read all sorts of religious books and texts. Seeking knowledge...seeking perhaps a religious concept I felt I belonged to. I with great help from very faith based committed people explored many paths. It wasn't until much later in my life I found the path I belonged on and gave up Christianity for an older religion. One that served as the basis for many current Christian traditions. But because my children were in public school and already didn't really fit in because they were blessed with free thinking genes, I kept my beliefs fairly quiet.
In way, that is sort of sad...but I made that choice for what I felt was the right reason at the time.
I follow Druid practices. What some might call is Wiccan, but certainly not what I think of as modern Wiccan. I celebrate old traditions. One's that were adopted by the catholic church in order try and convert the pagans to Christianity. So, I am a modern day Pagan. ( I also talk to animals and dragonflies, but that's for another day).
I live in the middle of bible thumper central, yet so far, those who know I'm a "witch"..LOL now come for my herbs and plant advice...so guess I am safe from being burned at the stake for now.
I see in my daughter however, my mistake in not allowing our beliefs be public for a long time. She embraces being pagan, and is much more open about it, but her education is lacking. My fault and one I am remedying.
My son is flat out agnostic, but always open to deep discussions and possibilities. He can't rationalize the dragonfly episode however which he saw for himself, which I still find terribly amusing.
At our old house, I was blessed with three fairy rings. I enjoyed sitting in the middle of the large one to converse with nature. I think here perhaps I don't need one, because I live in nature. But mushrooms or not, they are very special to behold.
I am most grateful that we live in the time when my children can be who they are and be generally accepted for what they believe.
Believing in the old ways is no different then believing what is modern religion. Except that it is different. A different path taken.
When I was young I wanted an Ouija board, my mother said I couldn't have one because it opened a door for the devil. I would hope, even she'll laugh at that now. OF course, I don't need an Ouija board to talk to my dead relatives, they visit me in my dreams, often just to give me strength to face another day. Now even wanting an Ouija board sort of sounds silly. But open a door to the devil...no, I think not. Evil exists for real...but it isn't found in a board game.
Please feel free to discuss your religious views...but don't try to convert...too many have already tried.

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