Creating Institutional Change: A Short Primer | Psychology Today
Everyday my son and I discuss current events. As election day draws near, we inevitably are discussing the current state of affairs in this fine country of ours. Since you are reading this, then you already know I am not too happy with the frighting trend I see happening around us, with politicians trying to circumvent our constitutional rights, as well as the shoulder high corruption we are mired in. The only way to improve these problems is by change, and change starts by voting on a local level. This is where today's politicians got their start. It is on the local level where you can actually help cause that change I know many of us believe in.
I came across this article and I thought it was interesting in regards to effecting change.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
interesting coincedence....
![]() | 28 Oct | 08:20:32 | IE 8.0 | Win7 | 1280x1024 | ![]() | Washington, District Of Columbia, United States | Verizon Internet Services ( [Label IP Address] No referring link so this was a visitor to my web site....kind of interesting which post triggered the visit..... |
Banks Sold the Same Mortgage Over and Over to Investors | FDL News Desk
Banks Sold the Same Mortgage Over and Over to Investors | FDL News Desk
Guess which BANK???
BANK OF AMERICA......america???
think we should make them change their name....
Guess which BANK???
BANK OF AMERICA......america???
think we should make them change their name....
There is NO depth that a politician won't stoop to. We need a NEW party, one made of normal people, no ivy leaguers need apply....we don't need anymore brains, we need common sense and integrity...and you can't learn that at a fancy college.
There is NO depth that a politician won't stoop to. We need a NEW party, one made of normal people, no ivy leaguers need apply....we don't need anymore brains, we need common sense and integrity...and you can't learn that at a fancy college.
Bank of America – Confiscating Homes They Don’t Own – BofA Attempts Foreclosure on Current Loan They Do Not Own « Foreclosure Fraud – Fighting Foreclosure Fraud by Sharing the Knowledge
Bank of America forecloses on house that couple had paid cash for - St. Petersburg Times
Bank of America forecloses on house that couple had paid cash for - St. Petersburg Times
No, there are not ANY MISTAKES being made in the Forclosure market.....
The banks have bail out money and the properties too....think they got a little greedy?
No, there are not ANY MISTAKES being made in the Forclosure market.....
The banks have bail out money and the properties too....think they got a little greedy?
Monday, October 25, 2010
damn it my mom is on facebook
This...IS .....TOO.....FUNNY......if you don't spend much time on facebook, you will not necessarily appreciate the full hilarity of this skit....but it is funny as hell...enjoy...
a talk show idea
This guy is about "talking points"....he's asking all the right questions.....
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Employers looking at health insurance options - Yahoo! News
Obama health care, we've all heard about it, read about, even blogged about it, but the real time consequences of this abomination are about to come to fruition. It is not going to pretty...for any of us. It is going to cost everyone more money, and they only possible winners are going to be big business and the insurance companies. Worst of all, it is going to put an undue burden on the lower income families who can't afford it. To say that they will get "tax credits" is an absurd plan. Only a politician who didn't worry about where this month's electric bill money was going to come from would thing that a once a year tax credit really solves any problems.
This bill only makes a problem even more of a problem, and will leave many of us making the choice between utilities and healthcare....that isn't going to free up that 4 hour wait at the local ER anytime soon....
Employers looking at health insurance options - Yahoo! News
repeal Obama healthcare
How do voters feel about the healthcare bill?
This bill only makes a problem even more of a problem, and will leave many of us making the choice between utilities and healthcare....that isn't going to free up that 4 hour wait at the local ER anytime soon....
Employers looking at health insurance options - Yahoo! News
repeal Obama healthcare
How do voters feel about the healthcare bill?
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Obama aides: mortgage woes not "systemic" | Political Headlines |
Obama aides: mortgage woes not "systemic" | Political Headlines |
Talk about OUT OF TOUCH with main stream America....doesn't he read the news?....I won't ask if he talks to his neighbors, because that's just absurd, but seriously?....bridge for sale...inquire within....
Talk about OUT OF TOUCH with main stream America....doesn't he read the news?....I won't ask if he talks to his neighbors, because that's just absurd, but seriously?....bridge for sale...inquire within....
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Discovery of GPS tracker becomes privacy issue | General Headlines |
Discovery of GPS tracker becomes privacy issue | General Headlines |
What Price safety?.....At what point are we willing in this country to give up rights for safety?.....I think the government has more then embraced the patriot act as a blatant invitation to violate Everyone's privacy.
I have to wonder where the common sense went.
What Price safety?.....At what point are we willing in this country to give up rights for safety?.....I think the government has more then embraced the patriot act as a blatant invitation to violate Everyone's privacy.
I have to wonder where the common sense went.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
NY county creating list of animal abusers | US National Headlines |
NY county creating list of animal abusers | US National Headlines |
Ah, for the slippery slope. At first glance, you might think that lists like Sex offenders and Animal abusers are a great idea, but take a deeper look into them and you find that they are fraught with problems. First off many of these lists wind up including those simply accused of misdeeds, and are not true lists of those convicted. I can't support lists with problems like that, and I am not sure I really want the government compiling lists of people suspect of anything. If the lists were those who were iron clad convicted, it might be a different thing, another glance at some of these lists will tell you that they are not even rooted in government and are created by special interest groups.
SO before you give a cheer to more lists complied on people, think about what history has taught us about the abuse and inaccuracy of these lists....and take a second look....
Ah, for the slippery slope. At first glance, you might think that lists like Sex offenders and Animal abusers are a great idea, but take a deeper look into them and you find that they are fraught with problems. First off many of these lists wind up including those simply accused of misdeeds, and are not true lists of those convicted. I can't support lists with problems like that, and I am not sure I really want the government compiling lists of people suspect of anything. If the lists were those who were iron clad convicted, it might be a different thing, another glance at some of these lists will tell you that they are not even rooted in government and are created by special interest groups.
SO before you give a cheer to more lists complied on people, think about what history has taught us about the abuse and inaccuracy of these lists....and take a second look....
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Jon Stewart has the right idea -
I am not always a Jon Stewart fan, in fact there is really no one I am consistently a fan of, but I appreciate the ridiculous extreemism we are seeing it, and always look for a good laugh,...
Jon Stewart has the right idea -
Among the signs suggested for the rally:
-- "I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler"
-- "9/11 was an outside job"
-- "Got Competence?"
-- "I'm not afraid of Muslims, Tea Partiers, Socialists, Immigrants, Gun Owners or Gays ... but I am scared of spiders."
Jon Stewart has the right idea -
Monday, October 11, 2010
SPIN METER: Foreign money in politics? Not proven | Political Headlines |
As a tax payer..I want to know where every damn penny comes from....EVERYONE....let's have a little transparency people...and get these assholes out of office.
SPIN METER: Foreign money in politics? Not proven | Political Headlines |
SPIN METER: Foreign money in politics? Not proven | Political Headlines |
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Up to 40 states plan inquiry into foreclosure data - Yahoo! News let me see if I have this right....they have TARP money....(for the bad loans) they have the properties (from the bad loans) and they are not really lending money..hanging onto the money, the properties and now additional properties they may have seized...illegally....
for anyone with any money left....I'd recommend stuffing the mattress with it....
Up to 40 states plan inquiry into foreclosure data - Yahoo! News
for anyone with any money left....I'd recommend stuffing the mattress with it....
Up to 40 states plan inquiry into foreclosure data - Yahoo! News
Friday, October 8, 2010
Yoga—what is it, exactly? - Healthy Living on Shine
I have seen more and more fringe thought(?) processes coming out of extreme christian leaders lately. Are they really so threatened by those of us who follow a different path?....or are they simply concerned that they won't get their weekly tithe?
Yoga—what is it, exactly? - Healthy Living on Shine
Yoga—what is it, exactly? - Healthy Living on Shine
check out my Facebook friend's book
Check out this new book authored by a Facebook friend of mine...
Evil Unleashed
sounds fabulous...can't wait to read it.
Evil Unleashed
sounds fabulous...can't wait to read it.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
and it's a bad thing?
she's not a witch....well it would be a nice change, since the christian flavors we have had in office really don't seem to have our best interest at heart...besides, they have ALL sold their souls to the devil long ago...
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Bunch of grown men singing Lady Gaga live and acapella!
This is a night for entertainment....these guys are brilliant....and this is hysterically good...
Friday, October 1, 2010
Authorities Plan To Trawl Phone Calls And E Mails For Signs Of “Resentment Toward Government”
OMG, it's a "terrorist"....oh's just a disgruntled citizen who's tired of taxation without representation.....
Where's that black van driving by my house....???
Authorities Plan To Trawl Phone Calls And E Mails For Signs Of “Resentment Toward Government”
Where's that black van driving by my house....???
Authorities Plan To Trawl Phone Calls And E Mails For Signs Of “Resentment Toward Government”
U.S. Religious Knowledge Survey - Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life
This is really rather interesting , atr least the results are. I got 11 out of 15 will you do?
U.S. Religious Knowledge Survey - Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life
U.S. Religious Knowledge Survey - Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life
YouTube - Paladino threatens New York Post Editor
YouTube - Paladino threatens New York Post Editor
He's going to take em out?......what is this..a rise of the Sopranos?
He's going to take em out?......what is this..a rise of the Sopranos?
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